Although rarely discussed in the industry, marketing efforts typically fall into one of the following two categories:

  • Interruption Marketing
  • Permission Marketing

However, there’s a secret, third category that’s ignored even more despite it being infinitely more valuable for success. To better understand that third category, we need to examine these first two.

Interruption Marketing involves blasting your message as loud, far, and clear as possible, hoping to reach someone who might be interested. This is expensive, time-consuming, and driven by peer pressure. The CEO hears a radio ad, sees a billboard, notices a sponsored Google ad, and suddenly they want one, too. Results are typically proportionate to budgets, driving more and more spending on these marketing methods.

But remember: Nobody likes being interrupted.

Permission Marketing gives consumers the choice of engaging with a free offering. Small samples of lunch entrees at a food court or informative industry e-newsletters are great examples of this type of marketing. Permission Marketing builds a connection with the potential customer first, prioritizing the relationship in the hopes of a later purchase. Results depend on the quality of the free product or service – there are no second chances at first impressions.

But remember: Many clients are ready to make immediate buying decisions.

This all leads us to the elusive third category: Organic Marketing.

Organic Marketing understands there are customers right now who are looking for what you do, where you do it. They just need to be able to find you to buy your products and engage with your services.

There’s nothing innately wrong with Interruption or Permission Marketing. But if your company has prioritized those methods over Organic Marketing, you are likely missing 90% or more of your potential customers.

Schedule a free consultation with Site Blooms today, and let’s discuss how we can make it easier for customers to find you – organically.