SEM Services

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Search Engine Dominance Through SEM

Search engine marketing to some is just marketing your business online, through the major search engines. We take SEM far beyond “new visibility,” and we seek dominance in the search engines for our clients.

Once you obtain organic, top ranking search engine placement, the next best thing is to multiply it and get multiple listings on the front page. Besides the two maximum listings that you will sometimes see for any one URL, the only way to get more listings is by creating more optimized websites with unique URLs! In other words, each time your company is on the front page, that’s one more competitor you push down to the 2nd page, and each additional listing increases your chances to get clicked on.

According to an independent study, you have a 70% greater chance to get a click through to your site if you have a 2nd listing. They didn’t research a 3rd or 4th listing but again, think about pushing your competition down off the front page.

There are only up to 10 listings on the front page. If you want dominance in your market, do it the proper way – the only way accepted by the search engines – by launching new, optimized websites! Contact us and see how affordable SEM can be for your company!