Zero to Sixty: Case Studies

Our Clients

Every organization with a website needs search engine optimization (SEO) services. The vast, expanding internet is a perfect way to connect consumers to just about everything they could want… if they can find it. At Site Blooms, our job is to make sure your potential customers find your business. The best way for this to happen is to ensure your website ranks high enough in the search results for the most common and relevant keywords and phrases people are using every day. Review these case studies to learn about our past successes with clients just like you.

Interior Design website

Interior Designer

This client serves the densely populated and still growing area in Las Vegas, focusing on interior lighting, art curation, and custom wall decor. She has extensive experience in the industry, a broad network in her geographic area, and specialized training in her niches. However, when she met us, her website wasn’t bringing in many customer leads.

We rebuilt her website to her design specifications and added 50 optimized  landing pages targeting exactly what she does and the areas she serves. In less than 24 hours, we saw this new content achieving first page results on Google for crucial search terms related to her work.

Her website views more than quadrupled the first month after launching the new content.

Smoked Sausages, Cheeses, and Pickles

We met this client at a tradeshow where they were offering free samples of their delicious foods. The aromas were intoxicating, the flavors were addicting, but their website traffic left a lot of room for improvement.

We added 100 optimized pages to their website quickly, focusing on a variety of their yummy items. The following week showed organic search traffic as the #1 source of incoming visitors to their website, the #1 source of their conversions (or purchases), and singlehandedly accounting for 75% of their online sales already.

In basically every data point we’re tracking, the organic search traffic now accounts for more than all the other digital methods combined.

Meats and Cheeses

How can Site Blooms accelerate your business growth, taking your website traffic and relevant leads from zero to sixty – fast?

Schedule a free, 10-minute consultation with us to find out.