Website Relevance

Website relevance is what causes the search engines to rank web pages in their results when someone performs a keyword search. The more relevance you have, the higher your placement. Relevance is generally comprised of four main items – Coding, Content, Link Popularity, and Traffic Rank. Sure, there are hundreds of things the search engines consider, but if you learn to master these four, you will have great placement which means MORE VISIBILITY!

We specialize in more visibility for less cost! What business owner wouldn’t want that? So why choose Site Blooms? How are we different, and what do we do to achieve more traffic for less cost? Very simply, we raise your relevance for your main target market, improving your organic placement in the search engines, which drives more traffic to your site! Why does it cost less? Our clients typically spend a fraction with us compared to what they were spending on their PPC campaign. What they were spending in 2-3 months is the same amount they spend with us over the course of 12 months, and they usually see 5 times the traffic! More visibility and less cost!

Sound too good to be true? Not necessarily. We encourage all potential clients to visit with us about our approach to organic placement and how we’ve helped over 11,000 clients get more visibility with less cost. We want to offer you options, so you can make the best decision for you and your business going forward. We don’t “sell” anything here; our clients have chosen us to partner with them because we provide proven results, every time.

Your website does not rank as high as you would like because it is not optimized for the search engine bots, or spiders – named for how they crawl through websites to investigate content. They are confused about what you do and therefore do not “index” your site’s pages properly. We built a tool for you to test your website and see how the search engines see you. It emulates a search engine spider coming to your website, and the tool scores how well your site is formatted. If you score poorly, you are not getting the traffic and subsequent sales you could be getting from your website, and you are a perfect candidate for search engine optimization.

The major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are looking for relevance in your website for what you do and where you do it. The sites you see on the front page of the search engine results now are deemed to be the most relevant by the search engine spiders. When your website lacks relevance, you lack natural search engine placement. Without relevance and placement, you’re forced to use pay-per-click or sponsored link advertising to get the search engine traffic you so desperately need.

If you are currently paying for sponsored links in Google or Yahoo, you are diving into a shallow pool, one that is already overwhelmed with advertisers (which drives up your pay-per-click price). If you are not paying the premium for the top two or three spots for your pay-per-click campaigns, you are seeing very little traffic to your site. Studies show that 80-85% of internet searchers click on organic listings. There is an alternative to diving into the shallow end of the pool!

We will increase the overall relevance of your site and get you multiple first and second page placements on your most prominent keyword phrases. We offer several search engine optimization plans to fit your needs. Call us if you are serious about increasing your ranking, your traffic, and your sales generated from your website. We have optimized over 43,000 websites for our clients. Trust the professionals with proven, guaranteed results!